b'MERCURY EYE CCTV MOBILE VANThe Mercury rapid deployment, mobile CCTV service reduces response time and is suitable where immediate surveillance is required. OurCCTVvehicleprovidesflexibleprotectionagainstintruders dayand/ornightanddiscouragemanypotentialoffendersthus preventing illegal activities and reducing anti-social behaviour. This around the clock surveillance is performed by our SIA licensed & trainedoperators.Wealsomonitorimagesandlivevideoatour Command-and-Control Monitoring Centre.The service is excellent for event management, with quick and easy deployment that provides adetailed360-degreesightlineofallthosecomingtowardsand leaving a ground/park. The service is highly effective in locating and identifying known trouble makers at the earliest opportunity. Our Mobile CCTV Control Rooms can be rapidly deployed and used in the following environments: Event Control Room, Incident Control Room, Parks & Cemeteries, Sporting & Public Events, On Site CCTV training, Protest & Demonstration Monitoring, Anti-Social Behaviour Zones,CouncilAreas,Shorttermsitesecurity,Festivals,Town Centres, Mercury Security & Facilities Management are accredited and compliant to GDPR/DPA (General Data Protection Regulations) BS 10012:2017. All Mercury CCTV systems are operated in accordance with the requirements of the Human Rights Act, the DPA and the latest ICO CCTV Code of Practice. This includes any legislation, guidance or practice that supersedes and supplements the same. Mercury CCTV systems will be operated fairly, within the law, following all government codes and guidance and only for the purposes for which it was established, hired and identified in the Code or purposes which are subsequently agreed in accordance with this Code.Scan the QR codefor more information'